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Before we begin our journey, what is Drama Therapy?

Drama Therapy is the use of drama games, role-play, storytelling, and other techniques to help people work through their problems in an embodied, active way.

Now let's look into the Story of Drama Therapy!

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Who can play: 

Mirror (also called Mirroring) is a Drama Therapy game for everyone. It is usually played with two people, though it can be played with a group.


What it does:

Mirror helps people learn and practice teamwork, nonverbal communication, body movement control, and observation.


How to play:

            To play with two people, stand face to face a couple feet apart. Pick one person to be the leader. The leader will move their face, arms, legs, etc. and the other person (the follower) will copy as if they are a mirror. There is no talking in this game, though people may laugh at first. The leader’s goal is to allow the other person to copy them, so the movements should not be too hard or tricky to follow. After a while, the two people can switch so the follower can have a turn to be the leader. The goal is to become so in sync with each other that it is hard to tell who is leading.

            If you want to play this in a group, you have have the whole group stand in a circle and pick one person as the leader. The game continues as normal, with the leader moving and the group following. Again, the leader’s goal is to be followed, not to be tricky or confusing.

Watch the video below for a visual example.

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Sense Memory


Who can play:

            Sense Memory can be played with two or more people or by yourself. It is a game that everyone can play.


What it does:

            Sense Memory allows people to be imaginative while learning and practicing listening, observation, opposite action skills, and sensory integration.


How to play:

            If playing with two or more people, one person is the ‘caller’ (in a session, this person would be the Drama Therapist). Caller, calls out environments, places, or things a person may feel. This could be “walking on a hot sidewalk”, “standing in the snow”, or so on. As the caller says these things, the groups act it out by themselves. Thus, a person may pretend to be ‘standing in the snow’ by shivering with the arms hugging themselves. After each thing is called out, there a several minutes given for people to act this out. The caller can make it more complicated by saying two feelings in one, such as, “walking on a hot sidewalk while eating ice cream” or “standing in the snow with a warm coat on”. If the caller is not a Drama Therapist, then the caller could switch out with others in the group, and may join in acting with the others even while calling.

            If playing by yourself, you are both the caller and the actor. Decide on different scenarios, like the one above, and act them out.


Watch the video below for a visual example.

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Magic Tube

Who can play:

            Magic Tube is for everyone and can be played by yourself or with two or more people.


What it does:

            Magic Tube helps people be creative and get their mind and body warmed up. It also allows people to learn and practice attention, decision making, problem solving, and social skills.


How to play:

            For this game you will need a cylindrical object. A paper towel roll works well for this. (It is possible to do this with other objects, however, a cylindrical object is best). This will be your Magic Tube. Because it is magic, it can become whatever you want it to become, no matter what that may be.

            If you are playing this by yourself, take the paper Magic Tube and pretend it is something else. Act it out. For example, if you imagine it is a telescope, hold it up to your eye and look through it. Then think of a new thing and act that out. Your goal is to think of as many different things as possible and act them out. Be creative! You may be surprised with just how many things that magical tube can be. Remember, it is magical so it can be whatever you want it to be.

            If you are playing with others, take turns with the Magic Tube. When it is your turn, act out something with the tube (something that someone else has not already done). The rest of the group will try to guess what it is you are acting out. When they have guessed it, pass the Magic Tube to the next person and continue as long as you would like.

Watch the video below for a visual example.

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Magic Box


Who can play:

            Anyone can play Magic Box. It can be played by yourself or with others and can take as long as you would like it to take.


What it does:

            Magic Box allows people to metaphorically take what they need and leave behind what they do not want. It can ease burdens, lighten loads, all while being fun and calming. It also allows people to practice self awareness, stress management, and emotional regulation. The Magic Box is often used at the beginning or end of a session to help the Drama Therapist know how people are feeling and what they experienced.


How to play:

            To play Magic Box, you will need a box. It can be any size, shape, and in any condition. If you would like, you can decorate the box. The box is magical, that means it can hold anything, and you can take anything you want out of it.

            The only difference between playing this by yourself and playing with others is that if playing with others, each person can choose if they would like to share what they put in or took out, and that you would take turns.

            When you have the Magic Box, you can put anything you want inside or take anything out, and you can choose if you want to only take something out or if you want to only put something in. The Magic Box can hold things that are heavy or hard, or light and easy. It can be something you don’t want to ever have again, or something you just need a break from. When you put it in the box, think about where you might carry it in your body. Is it in your pocket, on your back, somewhere else? Act out taking it from that place and putting it into the box however you would like.

            Similarly, the Magic Box can hold whatever you need. It can be something comforting or enabling, or something important or significant. Reach into the box and take it out. When you take it out, where do you want to put it? Will it sit in your lap, or go into your mind? Act out taking that thing out and putting it where you would like to have it, in whatever way you would like. Remember the box is magical. It can hold objects, thoughts, feelings, whatever you may want or need.

Watch the video below for a visual example.


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